Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams-Here’s the Secret
Jan 16, 2024
Borrow a Tool from One of the Greatest Movies of all Time
Don’t Give Up On Your Dreams… 7 Steps to Make 2024 the Best Year Ever
If you’re like most people, the new year is glaring evidence that you either make a resolution work this time, or it rolls into next year for another go-round.
I learned a secret from living a hell of a life. Nothing is what it seems. You can turn things upside down and inside out and discover your life is all about how you perceive it and less about what actually happened.
As we hit 2024, consider taking this opportunity to use your creative mind to question, prod, and call out those things that hold you hostage and prevent you from pushing past the difficulty and into the new world of possibility.
The article I wrote, published by The Mission on, will help you accomplish it. I borrowed a tool from one of the greatest movies of all time and share 7 important steps to make this coming year the most productive and accomplished ever. Here’s the link to the article:
Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams- 7 Steps to Make 2018 Your Best Year Ever
Let me know how it goes!
PS: The photo is of me at the back of Notre Dame in Paris… and yes, I set my New Year intention to visit Paris that year! I didn’t give up on my dreams… thank goodness.
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