The Wonders of a Single Word

finding joy modern prairie your dreams Jan 10, 2024
The Wonders of a Single Word

Each thought is a gateway… don’t let those thoughts get away!

If you’re asking yourself, what does this next year hold for me, you’re not alone. The turning of the New Year starts the thought process, and we begin, in earnest, to find a way to make wishes and dreams come true.  

And then, time goes by, life happens, and we feel the waning enthusiasm reduced  to a new category… the one called, “Someday….”

I’ve learned over the years that you can’t always count on a “someday dream” to happen… and TODAY is the best time to summon your yearnings, your dreams, and your joy.  

It can start with one word…. Your WORD of the year.

Today, I’m urging you to take steps in this new year… steps you’ve never taken before! 

Just before Christmas, I hosted a webinar on “Choosing Your Word of the Year.” My co-host, Susie, and I had an amazing turnout and so much fun!

It also resulted in lots of conversations within the community of women on

Don’t worry… you didn’t miss it… you can still watch the replay here.

Here’s what we discussed…

  1. How and why you should choose a word of the year.
  2. How to enhance its effect on your life by “supercharging it!”
  3. How to claim it and let it start working for you creatively, motivationally, and successfully.
  4. How to form the easy and pleasurable habit of “checking in with yourself” through your Idea Garden.
  5. I revealed my very odd Word of the Year… and how I came to choose it.

All of this leads to creating your “Best Year Ever!”

By the way… all of this is Free.

CALL TO ACTION! Melissa Gilbert, Susie, and I will be hosting another ZOOM to continue the conversation and the search for YOUR word of the year.

PART TWO will be on Sunday, January 14th. At 4:00 pm Pacific, 7:00 pm Eastern. You can sign up for it HERE.

For women in the second act of life (that’s definitely me), I can’t say enough about how wonderful the Modern Prairie experience has been. It’s such a beautiful place to connect.

Viewing the first episode and signing up for the second is one way for you to start the process…

Why is this important? Because as a community, there’s never been a better time to join together for support as we look to this next year and what it has to offer!

For now… Here are a few tips and steps for encouragement:

  1. Watch the first installment of the “Word of the Year” event.
  2. Write your word on the first page of your new journal (New Year = new journal!).
  3. On the next page, write a paragraph about why that word is the one you claimed as your own.
  4. Start a practice of acknowledging your thoughts and write them down over the next several days. They’re there for a purpose.
  5. Soon, you’ll discover your practice has become a habit!

Remember… Each thought is a gateway to the next great idea.

And most of all… for this next year, believe in miracles! Isn’t just being here a miracle in itself?

You’re now at the right place and the right time to meet your destiny in 2024.
Let’s do it together.

Are you a woman wondering if it’s possible to live the life you dream? I’d like to give you this free email course, Breakthrough to Living a Magnificent Resilient Life. It could be just what you’re looking for. It’s simply 10 days, receiving 10 emails that will take you just 10 minutes to enlighten, activate, and move you forward with reaching your potential for the life you’ve dreamed. No webinars to attend, no calls, just emails to provide you with some thought-provoking actionable steps. If you’re a woman looking for some inspiration, Click here to sign up. It’s free and with no obligation.