I Can See Clearly Now

linkedin musings Dec 08, 2021
I Can See Clearly Now

Recently I took a bold step... I had no idea the overwhelming reaction I would get! Yet, I had resisted it for the longest time.

...asking my social media connections and email list for guidance. I'm developing an idea for next year to help my writing students feel more confident, creative, and supportive. 

But I was terrified to ask what they wanted! I was afraid they'd unsubscribe from my list, or I'd hear something that might hurt! I'm one of those people who always wants to please and be the giver... not the one who needs.  

Well, here are the results! I sent out a request to my email list, clients, and FB connections saying... "this time, I need your inspiration...". 

I couldn't believe the response! I have so many Zoom calls, phone calls, and coffee dates set up, I can't believe it! And for the ones I've already interviewed.. a wealth of guidance and validation that I'm headed in the right direction. 

Ask your people... they will guide you, encourage you, and provide you with your next step.  

I can see clearly now! 

 #writing #socialmedia #people #help #linkedin30daysprint #inspiration