Why So Many People Want To Write A Book

linkedin musings write a book writing your story Mar 31, 2022
Why So Many People Want To Write A Book

In an article published in the New York Times in 2002, the author said that 81% of people surveyed said they wanted to write a book.

I can think of so many reasons I wanted to write a book… first the obvious…
I love to write, and I had a story to tell. Then, the profoundly important reason…

I had several life-changing experiences that challenged my ability to survive and thrive. Writing those books not only helped me heal, but they also helped me find joy again. They gave meaning and purpose to my life.

I connect with so many people who hope to fulfill that dream of writing their story one day. I tell them, there are so many ways to do it! “Let’s begin with looking at your life."

I give them a life history graph to work off of… their life history.

All you have to do is write the next sentence and the next… keep going. At some point, your mind will not disappoint you. You’ll recall stories and times you’d long forgotten.

Then we set up accountability. They schedule when they are going to write, and when they will share it with me.

We set a target date to have a book in hand.

I ask them to imagine what it feels like to hold that book, and I see the joy on their face.

The photo is of one of my beautiful clients, Chevonna Gaylor, LMFT, MA, who now has a book she uses in her therapy practice and at speaking events (The Emerging Healer). She finished it and had a published book in hand in 9 months.

It's possible!

Just remember… It’s easier than ever to find a way to publish your book or blog. There are such advances in how the publishing industry works.

Do you have a burning desire to write your story? If so, how do you think your story could help people?

Lastly… you could start today by writing one sentence! I promise the next sentence will follow...

Let’s continue! I’d love to share a little writing inspiration with this: 7 Mindset Strategies for the Writer. I will also send you occasional emails to inspire you with more stories and encourage you on your creative journey!