Raise your Vibration, the Secret to High Vibe Goal Setting achieving your goals expectations goal setting resolutions Jun 29, 2017

Notes from the Broadcast

Every day is the beginning of the next year. How about making today...

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Are You Waiting on Inspiration or… is Inspiration Waiting on You? creativity inspiration writing Jun 13, 2017

Many people believe they have to wait for inspiration to do anything creative, but what if I...

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9 Traits to Bounce Back from Anything and Excel change emerging woman resiliency Mar 13, 2017

The video above is from the Periscope Broadcast I did on this subject. Here's the article that...

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Wake Up Your Creative Life and Find the Courage to Release it to the World creativity emerging writer Mar 07, 2017

Since I began Periscope, I have shared “I love helping people wake up their creative...

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And Suddenly I had to Write creativity writing Feb 27, 2017

It all made sense the day I received this message: “You made me feel not so alone.”

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